Selasa, 02 November 2010

So Much for London

I think i'm going to be obsessed with London. I don't know where it is started. But couple months ago, my friend asked me about my favorite city that i couldn't answer. I had no favorite city at that moment. But i know i love being Jakarta citizen.

And then i remembered that i love Waltz so much. I never learned how to dance it, actually. But it is so nice to watch couple dancing Waltz like in this video. And it made me curious where Waltz from. Voila! it is from England! Yeah eventhough there is so many sources that written different country about Waltz origin, but i believe in this one, hehe.

And it made me fall in love with London. Not only about Waltz, but also the exotic view in London. Where the old and new meet. All the spectacular places i want to visit. Unique streets to walk alone with camera in my hand. That is why i'm so obsessed with London! it is a wonderful city for God's sake. I always thinking how is it look like if i'm walking at London's street and capturing some pictures of it's beauty. It would be GREAT!

and apparently this London stuff becomes my spirit booster. i made a target for myself to get there next year!

Yeah, next year i will be in London. So, recently im searching for Summer School, Projects, Youth Conference, Summits, or some events that could bring me into London.

I know this seems impossible. But for me, nothing is impossible. I can make it if i want to :D

4 komentar:

  1. next year?
    whoaa..semoga terkabul. jangan lupa ikhtiarnya sertakan ketergantungan kpd Allah,
    you extremely now its comes possilble when you want to but it still, Allah decide what is right for you!

  2. aamiin aamiin
    iya kakak doain ya agar dimudahkan Allah dan didukung sama sekitar untuk pergi ke London tahun depan :D

  3. ada yang gamungkin buat lo ngi!!! :D

    jilat sikut sendiri :D

  4. oh my god, youre so right!
    hahaa, tapi gw bisa nyium idung doong :P


Itu sih kata @dinikopi, menurut kamu?